Etiquette of Using the Toilet
In Islam there are several rules and manners that we should follow when using the toilet. It is very important that we adhere to these rules and observe them closely. I will go into brief detail for each manner.
First, when we enter the bathroom, we should not carry anything that has Allah's name upon it (unless there is fear for it to be lost or stolen). For women who have necklaces, bracelets, or rings that have the name Allah written on it, they should remove them before entering the bathroom.
While using the toilet, one should not be in the sight of others and, if in an open place as in the desert, one should go far away and try to hide him or herself. This holds true especially in the case of defecation, so others do not hear obnoxious sounds or smell foul odors. Jabir said, "We were journeying with the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, and he would only relieve himself when he was out of sight." (Ibn Majah).
Before one enters the toilet to relieve himself one should mention the name of Allah and seek refuge in Him. Anas reported that when the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, was about to enter the bathroom he would say, "In the name if Allah, O Allah! I seek refuge from you from the male and female noxious being (devils)." (Related by "the group").
One should not talk in the lavatory. "One should not respond to a greeting or repeat what the caller of prayer is saying. He may speak if there is some necessity (e.g., to guide a blind man who fears he may be harmed).
Ibn 'Umar related that a man passed by the Prophet, upon whom peace be, and greeted him while he (the Prophet) was urinating. The Prophet did not return his greeting. (Related by "the group" except for al-Bukhari) .
In other cultures we are used to all going to the bathroom and conversing with each other. Especially the women always take their friends with them to the bathroom. We must not fall into the same mistake the non Muslims make, especially when the Prophet (PBUH) had advised us otherwise.
If one has to relieve himself in an open place he should avoid places that are shaded and areas where people tread and congregate. Abu Huraira reported that the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, said, "Beware of those acts that cause people to curse." They asked, "What are those acts?" He said, "Relieving yourself in people's walkways or in their shade." (Ahmad, Muslim, and Dawud).
One should thoroughly sprinkle his private parts with water after cleaning himself. If he doubts that some urine comes out from him he can also sprinkle his underwear with water and then if he feels some dampness or wetness later he can confirm that it is only water. (

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