Disobeying the parents is a grave matter
After polytheism, the gravest sin is disobedience to parents. This is an evil that a true Muslim cannot even imagine without repulsion. Thankfulness, gentleness and gratitude are the three basic qualities that made one be a good person. One who does not cultivate these basic attitudes within him can neither fulfill his duties towards Allah nor the people: Hence Muslims who are obedient to Almighty Allah can never be disobedient or even careless to their parents.
Abu Baker narrated that the Prophet (S.A.W) asked that should he not warn them against the three major sins? All of them said, "Certainly, O Prophet!" He then said, "To ascribe partners with Allah, to disobey the parents." Getting up, as he was reclining, he said, "To tell a lie or to give false evidence." He went on repeating his words for such a long time that we wished him to be silent. (Bukhari and Muslim). In this Hadith the word "uqooq" has been used, for the disobedience to parents. It is Arabic word which means carelessness, cruelty, painful attitude and disobedience.
It is narrated that the Prophet (S.A.W) said, "Allah postpones the punishment for one's sins till the Day of Judgment if He so desires. But He award the punishment for disobeying the parents during this life, before his death."(Authentic, Al-Hakim). This means that the disobedient children will be punished twice; once in this world and secondly in the Hereafter.

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