OBEDIENCE OF Executive Authority
The role of the executive authority in the Islamic system is essentially to ensure the implementation of the Shariah for those who follow it among the resident of the Islamic State, owing either to their faith in Islam, or to their desire for the protection it provides, Thus, the Islamic State does not require of its subjects any new sort of legal encumbrance, but rather that they implement what their faith requires of them. It is for this reason that the Islamic system differs from all man –made systems of government in which citizens subjected to the commands of people not deferent from themselves.
Such governments require the obedience of its citizens even by force major.
The Muslim, owing to his belief in Allah, is a follower of the Shariah; he is certain that it is the truth outside of which there is no truth, and that it is he embodiment of justice outside of which there is no justice. One of he requirements of his faith is that the Muslim submit to the ruling of Allah in every matter on which he and another may disagree; and that he do so without finding any rancor in his heart towards the Shariah ruling, even if it seems to be contrary to his own wishes .The Muslim must accept the judgment and obediently carry it out because, in truth, its implementation will count as a good deed for the Muslim, and will be a form of worship for which he may be rewarded .On the other hand, his refusal to carry out the sentence of the Shariah will be a misdeed for which he may be punished .
Allah said.
“Nay, by thy Sustainer! They do not attain to faith until they make thee (O Muhammad) a judge of what is in dispute between them and find in themselves no dislike of what thou decides, and submit with (full) submission”
If the Muslim should fail to do his duty, then the executive authority in the Islamic State shall compel him to carry out his obligation and fulfill his covenant with Allah.
Consequently, those wig gave written on the subject of Islamic constitutional Fiqah have confirmed that the role of the representatives of the Islamic state, the Khalifa and his assistants, the governors, the judges and the other civil servants, is the defense of the fait and the administration of the worldly affairs of Muslims.
In fact, this summarization is a comprehensive on and sheds light on the meaning of Islamic legal control and its exercise.
The undertaking by the Islamic state of this executive function is, in fact, the basis of the legitimacy of the authority granted to the Islamic Ummah
Thus, if the state is lax in lax its duty, then it forfeits the basis of its authority, and the reason for its existence.
If the Islamic state is responsible for the preservation of its legitimacy, then its executive authorities as represented by the Iman, the governors and the employees of the state may not depart from his legitimacy in the administration and managing the affairs of state .So if any one of them does anything addressed by such regulation or decisions will not be obligated to obey or comply. Moreover, if what he has done is of a material nature and causes loss or injury to an individual or to a group, then the Chief Executive must ensure that compensation is provided for such a loss either through the courts or the Ombudsman.
Khalifa Abu Bakr proclaimed his principle in his first address after becoming Khalifa, by saying.
Obey me as long I obey Allah and His Prophet If ever I should disobey them, them, then you need no longer to obey me.
All of the rightly guided Khalifa and the just Imams after him followed the same principle of the Shariah which has come to be known through an aggregate of Shariah texts which taken collectively, have peremptory authority. This leads us then, to one of the most important principles of government in Islam.
It is related on the authority of the fourth Rightly guided Khalifa, Ali (رضي الله عنه) , that the Prophet of Allah (صلي الله عليه وسلم) , sent out a military expedition with a man from the Ansar as its commander .After they had set out ,the commander attempted to test the earnestness of his men by saying to them ; Did the Prophet of Allah (صلي الله عليه وسلم), not order you to obey me ? In reply, they said 'But of course, Then he said: Collect some dry wood, I have decided that your will that you will step into this fire, Then one of the younger soldiers said to the others You ran from the first of Hell to the Prophet of Allah (صلي الله عليه وسلم). Do not now rush into anything until you have met the Prophet of Allah. Then, if he orders you to step into it, The narrator said; when they returned to Prophet (صلي الله عليه وسلم), and told Him what had happened, He said to them, If you had stepped into it, you would never have stepped out of it Obedience is owed only in matters of piety, (Imams Bukhari and Muslim related it).

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