Morality of Prophet (صلي الله عليه وسلم)
Definition of Morality
The Morality is a same meaning of good qualities or politeness. According to the experts ,nature or the internal qualities of human being.
As saying by Imam Gazali the meaning of ethics(Morality) is:
“Ethics is a name of that stats condition of human nature for which a man very easily and conveniently did any action.
Place of Morality in Islam
Among the things on which the prophet Muhammad (صلي الله عليه وسلم)has laid the greatest stress, after belief, and maintained that the felicity and salvation of mankind is dependents upon them, one is the cultivation of good manners and noble qualities of mind and character, avoiding evil and unseemly behavior, and keeping away from vicious habits and practices. In the Quran, where the objects of raising up of the sacred Prophet (صلي الله عليه وسلم) are defined, it is, also, emphasized that to cleanse men and make them pure is a special part of his mission.
Moral reform and uplift occupies a place of highest importance in the aim and design of sanctification. As the prophet “صلي الله عليه وسلم” himself has said: “I have been raised up by Allah to teach moral virtues.” It denotes that moral correction and elevation was among the chief ends and purposes of the mission of the prophet Mohammad “صلي الله عليه وسلم "and formed a fundamental part of his magnificent endeavor. It, naturally, could not be otherwise, for moral values play a vital part in molding a man’s life.
A person with good morals will not only lead a happy and peaceful life himself, but his existence will be a source of comfort to others as well. On the other hand, if his social conduct and moral disposition are bad, his life will be devoid of real joy, and he will, also, make the lives of his relatives and all other around him miserable.
These are the ready, worldly effects of good or evil behaviour we experience in our daily existence, but it is going to yield far more serious results in the everlasting life of the Hereafter. The sequel of noble morals, in the Hereafter, is the good pleasure of the Lord and Paradise while that of bad manners and evils conducts is the Wrath of Allah and Fire of Hell.
The saying of holy Prophet (صلي الله عليه وسلم) relating to moral reform are of two kinds: one in which he has laid emphasis on moral goodness, as a principle, explained the worth and importance of good and virtuous habits, and indicated the unique reward they are going to fetch in the Hereafter, and the other that contain the advice and instruction to acquire or avoid a particular moral attribute. Here, we will, first, take up the Traditions belonging to the former category.

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