Posted by islamic web  |  at  8:26 AM

﴿قل هو الله احد 0الله الصمد0 لم يلد 0 ولم يولد 0 ولم يكن له كفوا احد0 ﴾
“faith in Allah is based on four premises”
1. Allah exists and nobody created Him.
2. He alone is the Lord of the whole Universe.
3. He alone is the Master and He alone is authorized to make any modifications in the universe according to His will.
4. He alone is to be exclusively worshipped and He has no associates.

The Qur’an has clearly told us that the proof of the existence of Allah lies within our selves. How can we, then deny something which is writ large on our very foreheads as the proof of its veracity Allah says.
وفي انفسكم افلا تبصرون
“ who have sure faith, and within your own selves, so do you not see? ”
in the very depths of our hearts, it is etched that Allah exists. When struck with hardships and misfortune, we seek his shelter because of our faithful nature and religious instinct. There are, within us and all around us numerous proofs of His existence. Our sub conscious that is our heart, unconsciously in Him, but our conscious self, that is our reason, accepts His existence.
The second dogma of faith is that Allah is the Sustainer of the whole Universe. It means that You have to believe from the depth of Your heart that Allah alone is the Creator of all the world. He alone created, out of nothing, the living organisms, the heavenly bodies and all the visible as well as invisible world. He devised such marvelous canons for all these worlds that the Scholars of medicine, chemistry, physics and astronomy, have been able to discover only a few of them. He alone has the Full knowledge about every big or small thing of all These worlds. It is written with Him that how many leaves a tree has, what shape does a leaf carry, or how many germs float in this world and what is their size and volume and what are their constituents. He only knows how many rotating electrons an atom has, what transitory changes occur in them, what is the nature of their statics and dynamics, what forms they take and what are the characteristic of their transformation.
Thus, He is the sustainer of the world. He gave from to everything and he looks after them. He makes alteration and changes in their conditions and character. He has predetermined every detail and has placed such proofs in each atom of this universe that every person with sufficient reason can trace Him and seek guidance from him. This is the second dogma of faith and it is obligatory to accept it and believe it.
But, does one become a believer by just accepting this as an article of faith? someone declares before You that Allah alone is the creator of this universe and He alone is the sustainer of everything. Would you accept him as a believer just because of his declaration? Nay, this declaration alone is not enough to be a believer, because many nations of the antiquity made this declaration. The idolators of the Quresh, whose fetishism the prophet Muhammad repudiated and those against whom he waged Jihad, also declared Allah the God of Gods and never denied his existence.
when you admit that Allah exists, is the Sustainer of the worlds, is the lord of the incomparable Kingdom, then it follows out of necessity that there should be no associate with Him in worship nor should anyone besides him be worshipped in any form or shape to be construed as his adversary. By the Grace of Allah, I had the good fortune to arrive at a point in the interpretation of the Surah An-Nas(114), which no other exegesis carries for the guidance of those who admit that Allah exists is the master of all and is the lord of the worlds yet do not display that unadulterated belief in the unity of Allah which indeed is a requirement of the divinity of Allah this Surah says:
قل اعوذ برب الناس 0 ملك الناس0 اله الناس0
Thou say: “I came under the shelter of the Lord of men, The King of men, The God of men(114,1-3)

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