The fruits of faith

Posted by islamic web  |  at  8:23 AM

The fruit of faith is that mental attitude which the prophet {SWS} epitomized in one of his famous remarks, which is so comprehensive, positive and eloquent that no other remark can match it .In fact ,these all_ comprehensive remarks are a testimony to his prophet hood. Defining kindness,{ihsan} he said

{worship Allah as if your are seeing Him because if your do not see Him He surely sees you}

One of the fruits of faith is to remember Allah at all times .I once read about a pious man{whose mane I do not remember } How his mystic initiation began. He had a devoted and virtuous uncle He asked his uncle ,one day ,that he too wanted to be as devoted to Allah as he {the uncle } was and requested his uncle to guide him to such deeds as would make him virtuous.

His uncle told him “ Repeat thrice a day that Allah is watching me and is aware of every thing ‘ He continued this practice fro a week. after which his uncle ordered him to repeat the same words thrice after every prayer .He started that practice as well and spent another week in it .Then his uncle ordered him to repeat these words mentally, instead of orally. The man continued this practice and as a result of this he always remembered Allah and never became oblivious of Him.

Allah , in the Qur’an ,has not emphasized anything more than his remembrance and He has appreciated those who invoke Him more than anyone else .

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