Importance of Social System
The first thing in the Guidance brought to mankind by the Holy Prophet was the call to Faith and Divine Unity . After it , he used to give instruction and advice concerning the moral and practical spheres of life to those who had accepted the call.
Such of the teachings and exhortations of the Prophet can, fundamentally, be divided into two parts . The first part is related to the Rights of Allah . It tells what the claim of Allah is upon the bondsmen and what are the duties of the bondsmen in that regard, and how is this claim to be discharged and obligations to be fulfilled . Some of the moral precepts of the sacred prophet , too, belong to this section .
The second part consists of the teachings appertaining to the rights of man on each other, and the duties they owe to all the created beings , in general . How is a man to fulfill his social responsibilities an act towards all individuals an groups or any other creature with whom he may come into contact in the different walks of his life ? Some of the moral teachings of the Prophet , again ,fall into this category .
The question of the rights of man is more important is the sense that if we disregard them, i.e., infringe on the rights of anyone or do some other injustice to him , the Lord who , of course, is Most Gracious and Merciful has not kept the forgiving of it in His own Hands, but decreed that amends are made for it , in this very existence , by rendering back to the person we have sinned against what is his due or seeking his pardon , otherwise we will have to repay in the Hereafter which , indeed is going to cost us very dear of suffer the dreadful chastisement of Hereafter ,
It is mentioned in Bukhari, on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah said.
Whoever may have done an injustice to a brother of defamed him or transgressed against his rights in any other way should set right the affair whit him on this very day , and in this very existence before the day of Final Reckoning, when he well have no dinars (1) and dirhams (2) to settle the claim .if he will possess a stock of good deeds , the aggrieved will be recompensed from it in suitable relation to the injustice done to him , and in case he is empty – handed in the matter of good deeds , the sins of the aggrieved will be thrust upon him .( and . thus , justice well be done on the last Day).3”
Besides . Bayhaqi has quoted ,in shab-ul-iman ,on the authority of sayyidah Ayshah the prophet said.
“ The Scrolls o Deeds ( in which the sins of the bondsmen are recorded ) well be of three kinds .One which will never be forgiven , ( and) it is polytheism .The Lord has declared in the Qur’an ,that ,in no case , shall He forgive the sin of polytheism. Two, which the Almighty will not pass over without doing justice , ( and ) these are the mutual wrongs , injuries and violation of rights , and the Lord will . surely , have them repaid .Three , in which the sins will beset down which have little weight and importance in the sight of Allah , ( and ) these are the lapses that are , exclusively, between the bondsmen and the Creator , the decision concerning them is wholly in His Hands , and He will punish or forgive the sinners ad He likes.”
The teachings of the Prophet regarding the rights of man, again , are of town kinds ,Belonging to one group are the sayings that deal with the rules and proprieties of social behavior .As for instance , what should the attitude be of parents towards their children and of children towards their parents , and of husbands towards their wives an of wives towards their husbands? What are the rights of relatives , both near and distant , and of neighbors and those who are elder or younger to us ? How are we to behave towards our servants and subordinates , specially towards the poorer and weaker members of the society , and mankind on the whole ? Again what formals and manners ought to be observed in social intercourse , in speech and association .eating and drinking , and bearing and deportment , and on occasions of joy and grief , and ,so on ? This department of Faith is known , broadly as M’uashirat .
The Rights are mane part of Society / M’uashirat
So some think about Rights

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