Long suffering and Forgivenes
The patience, long suffering and forgiveness of the Holy Prophet (صلي الله عليه وسلم) are the highest qualities of prophet-hood. According to a tradition, the Holy Prophet never revenged himself for any personal or financial matter. He did so only from one who declared any thing ‘Halal’ (Lawful) that Allah (the most High) has prescribed as ‘Haram’ (Unlawful) but even this revenge was only for the sake of Allah himself. The hardest suffering fell to the lot of the holy prophet(صلي الله عليه وسلم) in the battle of Uhd, when the unbelievers fought against him and caused him severest grief and affliction, but he not only contended himself to suffer and forgive, but taking pity on them also excused them for their misbelieve and ignorance, and said:
اللهم اهدني قومي فانهم لا يعلمون
“O Allah! Show my people the right path, for they know not” in another tradition the words:
اللهم اغفرلهم
“O Allah! Forgive them”
Are also included, when the companions who felt grieved at this said “O Apostle of Allah! Would that you had cursed them, so that they were annihilated” he replied, “I have not been sent to curse, but to call people to the truth, and as a mercy for the creation” (Ash-Shifa, Madarij-un-Nubuwah).

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