In all civilized societies , there have always been some particular forms of greeting ,as an expression of respect , affection or formal recognition, upon meeting a person .In our own country , the Hindus say Namaste on meeting or arrival , and also Ram , Ram, Among the Christians, it is customary to salute with the words like ,Good morning, or Good evening.
Among the Arabs, too, before the advent of Islam, similar forms of salutation were in vogue. It is stated in Sunnah Abi Dawood, on the authority of the Companion, Imran Ibn Hussein, Before the advent of Islam we used to say An’ma Allah u bika a’ in (My Allah grant coolness to your eyes ) and An’im sabaah ( My your morning be happy ) while greeting one another. when from the darkness of perversion we emerged into the light of Islam, these formulas of salutation were forbidden and in their place, we were taught to say, As ‘ salaam –u-Alaikum (Peace be with you).
As a little reflection will show, no better form of salutation is possible as an expression of love and regard on goodwill, It makes an excellent and most comprehensive prayer for the occasion, denoting: My Allah bestow peace and security on your .For those who are younger to us in age, it is an expression of kindness and affection, and for the elders, of regard and attention .Moreover, salaam is one of the Excellent Names of Allah In the Qur’an, the phrase, As- salaam–u-Alaikum, has been used on behalf of Allah, as a mars of favour and esteem of divine Prophet Thus, we read :
Peace be unto Noh among the people ( Al safat , 37:79)
peace be unto Ibraheem, ( Al Safat , 37:109)
peace be unto Moosa and Haroon ( Al safat ,37:120)
peace be unto ilyas, ( Al safat , 37: 130)
peace be unto those sent ( to warn),(Al safat , 37:181)
and peace be on His slavers whom He hath chosen ,( Al safat , 37:59) .
The Believers, too are commanded to make salutation to the Holy Prophet in these words:
As–salaam–o–Aliaika Aiyyuhan–Nabi (peace be with thee, O Prophet)
And the Prophet is told that when those who believed in the Divine Revelations come to him , he should say to them:
Peace be unto you your Lord has prescribed for Himself mercy.
Similarly in the Hereafter at the time of entry into Heaven Believers will be received with these words :
Enter them in peace, ( Al Hijr 15:46) and peace be not you because ye preserved. Ah, passing sweet will be the sequel of the ( heavenly ) home.
Anyway, there can be no better greeting than As –salaam –u- Alaikum. If the two Muslims who meet are already acquainted with each other and there exists a bond of friendship, relationship or affection between them, this form of salutation fully signifies the connection, and, on the basis of it, gives an eloquent expression to the sentiments of joy, regard, love and well wishing. On the other hand ,if they are stranger s, it becomes a mean of introduction and the other, through it, that he is a will wisher and there obtains a spiritual tie between them .
Be that as it may , the teaching of As –Salaam –o- Alaikum and wa’ Alaikum –mussalaam as the forms of greeting among the Muslims is a most propitious instruction of the sacred prophet and a distinctive practice of Islam .

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