(Fear of Allah): The Key to Learning
Definition of Taqwa
The Messenger of Allah, ( صلي الله عليه وسلم) said: Taqwa is here," and he pointed to his chest.
Allah says,
يَااَيهَا الذِينَ امَنوا اتقُوا اللهَ وَامَنوا بِرَسُولِه يُؤ تِكُم كِفلَينِ مِن رَحمَتِه وَيَجعَل لَكُم نُورًا تَمشُونَ بِه وَيَغفِر لَكُم ( سورة الحد يد آيت 28 )
“O Believers! Fear ye God, (Have Taqwa) and believe in His Messenger; He will give you two portions from His Mercy and will place in you light, which you will walk with and He will forgive you.” (57:28)
Allah, the Almighty also says:
يَااَيهَا الذِينَ امَنوا اِن تَتَقُوااللهَ يَجعَل لَكُم فُرقَا نًا وَيُكَفِر عَنكُم سَيِأَتِكُمْ وَيَغْفِرْ لَكُمْ
(سورة الانفال آيت 29 )
“O Believers! If you will be fearing God He shell decree a decision for you and acquit you of your sins and forgive you” (8:29)
Al-Haafidh Ibn Katheer (d.777H) said: “Ibn Abbaad, as-Suddee, ‘Ikrimah, ad-Dahhaak, Qataadah and Muqaatil Ibn Mayan all said about “Furqaan” that it means: a way out (from difficulty). Mujaahid added: “A way out (from difficulty) both in this world and in the Hereafter”. In a narration from Ibn ‘Abbas he said it means: salvation; and in another narration from him: being helped.
Muhammad bin Ishaaq said that it means: a criterion to judge between truth and falsehood. This explanation from Ibn Ishaaq is the most general of what has already preceded and it is a necessary consequence of it. Since whoever has Taqwa of Allah by obeying His commands and abandoning what he has prohibited, will be given the ability to recognize truth from falsehood.

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