Definition Of Knowledge
According to religious terminology and usage in Qur’an and Hadith, knowledge is only that which Allah has sent down through His Prophets for the guidance of mankind.
The first obligation on man, after he has believed in Allah’s Prophet and Messenger and his mission, is to try to learn and find out the teachings and guidance of Prophet, and the do’s and don’ts. The entire edifice of religion depends on this knowledge. Hence, the first obligation after Iman (or Belief) is to learn it and teach it.
The learning and teaching may be accomplished by oral conversation and observation as the companions did in the times of the Prophet and the immediate years after his death. They acquired all their knowledge in this manner. They heard the Prophet’s saying, observed his deeds and actions, or acquired it in the same manner from those of his companions who had benefited from him.
The same may be said of the knowledge of most of the Tabi’een (the successors of the companions). They received it through companionship and hearing.
Knowledge may also be acquired through reading and writing, and books. This had become the method of imparting knowledge in times thereafter. Books were read and prescribed, as they are today.
Allah’s Messenger has said, “It is Fard (an absolute obligation) for every man who believes in me as Allah’s Messenger and accepts Allah’s religion, Islam, to acquire necessary knowledge of religion.” The Prophet also said that the effort of a man in acquiring this knowledge is a kind of Jihad in the path of Allah and a means to attaining nearness to Him. He also said that neglect in this regard and carelessness was a punishable crime. This knowledge is a legacy of the Prophets, particularly Allah’s Messenger and it is the dearest and most precious asset of the universe. Thus, the fortunate ones who acquire it and give its rights are indeed heirs of the Prophets. All creatures, including the angels in the heavens, the ants on the earth and fish in the oceans, love them and pray for them. Allah, the Exalted, has created them with that nature. As for those people who use this sacred legacy of the Prophets for wrong ends, they are the worst criminals who deserve Divine displeasure and wrath.
(We seek refuge in Allah from the mischief of our souls and from our evil deeds.)
After this brief introduction, let us now read the following Ahadith of Allah’s Messenger on the subject of knowledge and learning and teaching.

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