There exists a special relationship, a peculiar affinity, between the Prophet—and, through him, between His Ummah—and Hazrat Abraham. The Hajj, in truth, constitutes both in its form and essence, the symbolization of the latter’s supreme devoutness and matchless submission to the Will of God.
And the idea underlying its ordainment is that every Muslim who can afford to undertake the pilgrimage should, at least, once in his life, betake himself to the place where the most glorious episode of Hazrat Abraham’s life of utter dedication to his Creator had taken place, and cast himself, for the time being, in the role of that superbly self—effacing, all—sacrificing Friend of the Lord. He should give a practical proof of his attachment to the path of that true friend, slave and devotee of the Devine, and of his respectful devotion to the distinctive practices the Lord has ordained for the occasion and create within himself the sincere urge to dye his entire existence, inwardly as well as outwardly, in the hue of that august patriarch and give his soul a chance to take in its share of the magnificent spiritual glories of the place.
I shall dwell no further on the essential beauty and richness of the Hajj because these can be understood properly only when one experiences them personally during the course of the pilgrimage. This much, however, I will certainly say that when, by the Grace of God, you may decide to undertake the pilgrimage concentrate more on preparing yourself inwardly and spiritually for it than on anything else. Sadly enough, people bestow the greatest thought on the material comforts of the journey, they even want to take with them such trivial articles as salt, pepper and pickles and equip themselves with as many as ten suits of clothes—; they get occupied with these preparations for months in advance but do nothing by way of making themselves fit spiritually for the great occasion. The result is that they gain nothing from it, and come back as they had gone. It is not that a pilgrim is not allowed to furnish himself with material necessities before he sets out for the pilgrimage—within a proper limit it is essential to do so—, but these things do not make the real equipment for the Hajj. The real equipment lies in getting oneself ready with all the information needed for the carrying out of the duty and in the acquirement of that inner fitness which enable one to receive the rich spiritual benefits accruing from it. An important part of the endeavor to establish Hajj must be to create in the people’s minds an awareness of this fact, without it, the Hajj will remain a soulless form and an empty ceremony.

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