Fasting means willing abstention from eating, drinking and satisfaction of certain demands of the flash, from predawn to sunset.
Arabic equivalents for fasting are Saum and Siam. The breaking of the fast is known as If tar.
The third practical plank is the Roza (or the fast). It is a most excellent means for the development of the celestial element in our nature. It purges the self and is especially beneficial for cultivating Divine virtues like contentment, alms endurance, and piety. During the fast a person forges a special link with the Celestial World by crushing down the animal appetites. but these results can be achieved only when it is undertaken with all the solemnity of an aot of worship, the instruction laid down in its context are sincerely obeyed and nothing is done that may militate against the sanctity of the deed. The first thing in this regard is to leave all sinful conduct strictly alone, more particularly that which operation to the mouth and the tongue. if this is not done, the fast will be bereft of all the spiritual consequences. we say 5this on the authority of the tradition that “if a person does not abstain from falsehood, deceit and perfidy while fasting, it is immaterial to God that he goes without food and drink, and does hunger and thirst” another tradition to the same effect reads, “Many are there among those who keep the fasts that gain nothing from them except hunger and thirst”.
It follows, therefore, that our ambition should be to obtain the maximum advantage from the fasts as from Namaz and Zakat, in terms of our spiritual progress and evolution. What is required for this, first and foremost, is to refrain from every thing that is forbidden, including the Makroohat. The sins emanations from the mouth are particularly to be guarded against, so much so that it is prohibited in the Tradition even to shout or to talk in a loud voice during a fast. Conversely, the endeavor ought to be to practice greater goodness and pay more attention to the deeds of virtue during the period of fasting, especially to those that are associated with the mouth. E.g. Zikr and Tilawat.

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