Zakat is the name given in Islam to that portion of money or wealth which, as per Allah’s command is given to the poor and the needy so that they become the owners of it. In other words, fasting and prayers are forms of bodily worship while Zakat is a form of worship which is pecuniary in nature.
After the Namaz, the next in order of preference among the fundamentals comes the Zakat. The basic function of Zakat is the same as the of any other form of worship It is the seeking of God, s pleasure and the cleansing and purification of the self. It is a patent fact that , more frequently than not , sins and crimes have their origin in the lust for wealth and the lust for power __ and between the tow ,the former is a more common malady .Zakat is a means for breaking the force an the malignancy of the malady of lust for wealth , In the Quran Zakat is often mentioned simultaneously with Namaz which shows that it is almost equal to the latter in importance in the Islamic organic station of worship , When after the death of the Prophet some of the Arab tribes refused to pay the Zakat, the Caliph ,Hazrat.
· The Namaz consist of a number of cyclic parts each ending with two sajdas (touching of the ground with the forehead) these parts is known as Rakatas- Translator.
· The middle hour between sunrise and the meridian- translator.
· Tirmizi
· Ibid
· Abubakar, felt compelled to declare war upon them and in taking that extreme step, he had the full support of the holy companions. Sueh, in the word, is the importance of Zakat in Islam.
· The financial demands of the faith from its followers do not end with Zakat, they extend further and assume many other forms, it is clearly stated in a tradition that “Besides Zakat there are some other claims too, on wealth” these other claims have been thoroughly enumerated by the theological doctors at their proper place.
The manner in which the virtues of spending in the way of god are extolled in the Quran and the various styles of expressions that have been employed for the purpose go to confirm that it is an indispensable constituent of faith. Yet universal as the indifference of Muslims to their religion has come to be no where it is more evident than in this particular sphere. people have become so selfish these days and the love of money has grown so enormously among them that the practice of sharing one’s wealth with a needy an indigent brother is disappearing fast from their midst and even these who do so, a majority of them are guilty of gross carelessness with respect to eth laws and regulations Divinely laid down for it, with the consequence that they do not drive the full benefit from it as promised in the Quran.
When Zakat is a fundamental obligation like the Namaz, the desire should, naturally, be to discharge it with equal care and ardency. A Zakat that is paid in an off-hand manner, without the urge to make the most of it by paying scrupulous regard to all the relevant rules and requirements, is akin to Namaz which is offered up in haste and without proper attention lacking in both ,life and luster. Some of the ways of vesting the Zakat with a greater inner content can be:
First, to get to know all the rules and principles of Zakat and cultivate sincerity of purpose.
Second, to take good care to spend it on what seem to be the most deserving and legitimate parties and objects, that is, parties and objects in spending on which there is the hope of the greatest reward from God.
Third, to hate the idea of having bestowed any favour on the person to whom it is given away, nor to look down upon him in any way on that account, but on the other hand, to feel genuinely obliged to him because it was through his agency that one was enabled to acquit oneself of the duty properly and well, and to acknowledge it ungrudgingly by word and deed.
Fourth, to call up the convictions to the mind, while giving away the Zakat, as in the case of Namaz, that God is present here, there and everywhere, seeing all and observing everything: He is watching this act of mine, as well as the intent that is operating behind it, and it is in His presence and by His command that I am doing this little service to a servant of His.
If the Zakat begins to be paid in the manner and spirit indicated above, its beneficial results can be experienced in this very existence; such abundance and prosperity will be witnessed in trade and agriculture that men will be astounded.
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