Salah, (Namaz) is a particular way of worshipping Allah and offering devotions to Him which Allah and His Prophet (S.A.W) have taught us.
Among them the most outstanding is the Namaz, The value of an article depends on the need it serves. The price of a motor car is judged not by its color or shape but by the capacity to fulfill the purpose for which it is meants,nor is a buffalo sheep or deer according to the way it walks --- it is the milk it yields that decides .So is Namaz pre –eminent because it plays the most effective role in the realization of the objectives associated with worship .This will also explain the numerous conditions that are attached to it e.g., the cleanliness of body , the cleanliness of dress, the cleanliness of the ground on which it is offered and Wazu.
Further some forms of worship are representative in particular of the Sovereignty and the Omnipotent Power of God. By carrying them out the worshipper pays tribute to these qualities of the Divine, making at the same time a confession of his own surrender and servility. Zakat is a classical instance.
And then there are other forms that are related more specially to the lovable adorable aspect of divinity .They serve to symbolize the deep love and devotion of the adorer for the Adored, his earnest yearning from Him, that He is his heart, soul and everything. The fasts offer an excellent expression to this side of relationship between man and his Creator by calling upon him to shun food and drink in the style of a dejected love ,and so is the Haj a true symbol of love’s frenzy __ the strange dress , the curious rituals ,the walking round the House of Ka, aba with someone’s thought delightfully embedded in the heart and the frantic kissing of a slab of stone fixed in a corner of that beloved building, the wandering out into the wilderness and staying there for days and nights __ all these things are there but to portray the divine ecstasy, the sweet madness of love which in truth, constitutes the real spirit of this unique pilgrimage.
But , Namaz is comprehensive of both of these aspects .The dignified, yet respectful , presence before the Almighty ,the disciplined falling in line of the devotes , like lowly slaves ,and the carrying out by them of fixed monuments in an orderly , systematic manner demonstrate exquisitely the Over lordship ,the Power the sovereignty of God and man’s total helplessness ,while the state of the heart , the feelings of expectancy , of ardent hope and sublime devotion that work themselves up within it during the prayers ,is typical of the tender emotion of love for the Divine ,The Prophet words ‘ In Namaz lies the coolness of my eyes “ are richly expressive of the later aspect of the Namaz Often ,when the prayer time came the Prophet would address his Muezzin Bilal in this loving manner : O Bilal ! Bring comfort to my heart s soothe the agony that is rising with in is by giving the call to prayer, It has been remarked by Hazrat Mujaddid Alf-Sani in one of his letters that , Namaz is the balm for the aching beards . Bring me comfort O Bilal! Conveys this truth and, the coolness of my eyes lies in Namaz, imparts this secret.
It is reported that one day Hazrat Abdul Wahid Lahori,a Khilafah , of Hazrat Mujaddid asked, Will there be Namaz in the heaven ,The heaven is not the house of action , said someone ,It is the house of recompense , Why should Namaz be there then ,On hearing it the Hazrat b\observed with great anguish , How will it then be possible to live in the heaven .
The tranquility and joy which people whose Name is a real ,genuine one derive from it can further be imagined from the following utterance of Hazrat Mujaddid , what Royat is in the Hereafter Namaz is here in this world: there is great nearness unto the Beloved in the world in Namaz as there is in the Royat in the Hereafter.
The distinctive merit of the Namaz, hence lies in this that it reflects fully the Sovereignty and Over lordship of God as well as His lovability and Elegance, In its form it portrays the complete submission of man to his Master, in its spirit it is filled altogether with the essence of the joy, the tenderness and the rich melancholy of love .It is Namaz alone which unites in itself so successfully the two seemingly apposite aspects. And this fact, on its won should be enough t lift is above the other modes of worship.

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